
The Brunsdon Law Firm’s website provides general information about Brunsdon Law Firm. You should not rely on the information on this website as legal or tax advice, and you should consult an attorney about any legal question you have.

Your use of this Site does not create an attorney-client relationship with the Firm. Sending an e-mail or otherwise contacting any attorney through this Site does not create an attorney-client relationship with the Firm. If you do not already have an attorney-client relationship with an attorney at the Firm, any information or other communication you have with any attorney at the Firm, whether via e-mail or otherwise, will be treated as public information and will not be treated as confidential or secret. If you are unsure whether you have such an attorney-client relationship with Brunsdon Law Firm, please contact our office before you send any information to our Firm.

Brunsdon Law Firm designates its location at 2251 Front St., Suite 206, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 as its principal office and designates Terri Brunsdon as the attorney responsible for this website.